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来源: 时间:2017-09-15 10:49:00 作者: admin 点击:


报告题目:Electron beam melting of biocompatible titanium scaffolds for implant applications
 告人: 澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学, 文翠娥教授 
 间:2017  9  18日(周上午10:00
 点:南岭校区机械材料馆 209 多媒体报告厅 
举办单位:吉林大学材料学院 汽车材料教育部重点实验室 
Titanium (Ti) andtitanium alloys are increasingly usedas metallic biomaterialsin load-bearing implant applicationsdue to their relatively low elastic modulus, superior biocompatibility and excellent corrosion resistance, in comparison to other metals such as stainless steels and Co-Cr alloys. Pure titanium and some of its alloys such as Ti6Al4V and TiNi have found extensive applications in biomedical applications. However, studies have shown that the release of metal ions from the implant materials mayhave adverse biological effects orelicit allergy reactions, therefore, the composition of metal biomaterials should be carefully selected to avoid or minimise adverse reaction. In addition, most dense metallic implant materials used are much stiffer than natural bone, causing stress shielding and can lead to implant loosening. Our study addresses the two challenges in the development of new implant metals and alloys. The first approach is to assess the cytotoxicity of metal alloying elements and identify the ideal biocompatible alloying elements. New titanium alloys with enhanced biocompatibility have been developed for biomedical applications. The second approach is to foam the titanium alloys into a porous structure with bone-mimicking architecture. This porous structure will not onlyallow new bone tissue ingrowth and vascularisation, but also provide low elastic modulus matching that of natural bone.

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