Zhu Yongfu Discipline: Metal Materials
Research direction: metal corrosion and protection; new energy materials; nanomaterials thermodynamics
Lectures: Engineering Materials and Research Methods of Modern Material Physics for undergraduates; Material Physics for postgraduates

Education background:
1999.10-2003.02 Tohoku University, Japan Postgraduate/PhD
1995.09-1999.09 Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics
1991.09-1995.07 Jilin University Undergraduate/Bachelor
Work experience:
2006.03-present Professor, Jilin University
2004.09-2006.03 Postdoctoral lecturer, Tohoku University, Japan
2003.10-2004.09 Postdoctoral lecturer, Akita University, Japan
2003.03-2003.09 Post-doctor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Research projects:
1. General project of Jilin Provincial Department of Science and Technology 2020.01-2022.12 100 thousand yuan project leader
2. Sub-project of key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China 2017.01-2021.12 540 thousand yuan project leader
3.Key science and technology research and development project of Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Department 2018.01-2020.12 1 million yuan project leader
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China 2017.01-2017.12 160 thousand yuan project leader
5. Sub-project of the 973 major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology 2010.01-2014.12 600 thousand yuan project leader
6. National Natural Science Foundation of China 2009.01-2012.12 320 thousand yuan project leader
7. New Century Excellent Talents Program of the Ministry of Education 2009.01-2010.12 500 thousand yuan project leader
8.The 973 major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology 2004.09-2009.09 3.64 million yuan key participant
9. The Yangtze River Scholar and Innovation Team Development Plan of the Ministry of Education 2009.01-2010.12 3 million yuan key participant
Some academic papers:
1. Xue Yao, Yongfu Zhu,* Qing Jiang, Activated basal planes of WS2 by intrinsic defects as catalysts for the electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(45): 25961-25968.
2. Yingli Zhang, Rui Zhao, Yingqi Li, Xingxing Zhu, Bo Zhang, Xingyou Lang, Lijun Zhao, Bo Jin, Yongfu Zhu,* Qing Jiang, Potassium-ion batteries with novel N, O enriched corn silk-derived carbon as anode exhibiting excellent rate performance, Journal of Power Sources 2021, 481:228644.
3. YF Zhu, Q Jiang, Edge or interface effect on bandgap openings in graphene nanostructures-A thermodynamic approach, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2016, 326:1-33.
4. Y.F. Zhu, X.Y. Lang, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, Electron Scattering and Electrical Conductance in Polycrystalline Metallic Films and Wires: The Impact of Grain Boundary Scattering Made by the Melting Point, ACS Nano, 4 (2010) 3781-3788.
5. Y.F. Zhu, X.Y. Lang, Q. Jiang, Alloying Effect on Bandgap Energy of Nanosemiconductor Alloys, Advanced Functional Materials, 18 (2008) 1422-1429.
6. Wang, TH, Zhu, YF,* Jang, Q, Molecular orientation transformation in initial growth stage of disk-like phthalocyanine during organic vapor deposition process, Chemical Science, 2012, 3(2): 528-536.
7. N Zhao, Y Zhu,* Q Jiang, Novel Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional AsxSby Alloys Studied by Using DFT, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018.
8. YR Wang, K Tang, X Yao, B Jin, YF Zhu,* Interface effect on the cohesive energy of nanostructured materials and substrate-supported nanofilms, Dalton Transactions, 2018.
9. YF Zhu, N Zhao, B Jin, M Zhao, Q Jiang, High thermal stability of core-shell structures dominated by negative interface energy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(13) :9253-9260.
10. Z Wen, J Luo, Y Zhu,* Q Jiang, Cohesive-Energy-Resolved Bandgap of Nanoscale graphene Derivatives, Chemphyschem, 2015, 15(12) :2563-2568.
11. YF Zhu, QQ Dai, WT Zheng, Q Jiang, Gap openings in graphene regarding interfacial interaction from substrates, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16(12) :5600-4.
12. Y Zhu, N Zhao, J Lian, Q Jiang, Tandem Photovoltaic Devices Employing Nanoarray graphene-Based Sheets, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(5) :2385–2390.
13. Zhu Y.F., Liu D., Wen Z., Jiang, Q., Self-formation of nanocomposite Cu/Al2O3 thin films on CuAl dilute alloys by annealing in inert atmospheres, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 2011, 110(2):023525.
14. Zhu Y.F., Zheng W.T., Jiang Q., Distinct Young's modulus of nanostructured materials in comparison with nanocrystals, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2011, 13(48):21328-21332.
15. YF Zhu, JS Lian, Q Jiang, Modeling of the Melting Point, Debye Temperature, Thermal Expansion Coefficient and the Specific Heat, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 16896.
16. Zhu Y.F., Zheng W.T., Jiang Q., Modeling lattice expansion and cohesive energy of nanostructured materials, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2009, 95(8):083110.
17. Zhu YF, Lian JS, Jiang Q, Re-examination of Casimir limit for phonon traveling in semiconductor nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92(11).
18. YF Zhu, WT Zheng, Q Jiang, Modeling Lattice Expansion and Cohesive Energy of Nanostructured Materials, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, 113101.
19. Zhu YF, Mimura K, Lim JW, Isshiki M, Jiang Q, Brief review of oxidation kinetics of copper at 350 degrees C to 1050 degrees C, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2006, 37A(4):1231-1237.
20. Zhu Y, Mimura K, Isshiki M, Influence of oxide grain morphology on formation of the CuO scale during oxidation of copper at 600-1000 degrees C, Corrosion Science, 2005, 47(2):537-544.
2012 One of the twelfth batch of young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Jilin Province
2011 First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Jilin Province
2009 New Century Excellent Talent of the Ministry of Education in 2008
National scholarships of graduate students supervised by me:
Doctor: Dai Qingqing Zhao Ning
Master: Zhang Yingli