Title:Recent developments on surface mechanical treatments
Time:Dec 09,2020 15:30-16:30
Location: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/6WHejhkbPtUp
Meeting ID: 642 747 534
Speaker:Vincent JI
Surface mechanical strengthening (SMS)is the most useful process to change the residual stress (RS) distribution,superficial morphology, surface microstructure and surface hardness. Thepurposes of SMS are to increasing the fatigue life, to prevent the stress corrosioncracking and to increase the wear resistance of mechanical components.
The classic SMS methods, such asmachining, rolling, shot-peening, have been largely applied on engineeringcomponents. The principal of RS generation by SMS will be synthesis. Theindustrial application cases of shot-peening will be presented.
Recent development of SMS, such as dualpeening, stress peening, ultrasonic peening, water peening (cavitation peening)and laser peening, will be introduced and discussed.